DF Real Estate, located in Overland Park KS, is a commercial and residential real estate development company with over 20 years of general contracting experience. We specialize in developing and constructing high-quality commercial and mixed-use properties that meet the needs of our clients and tenants. DF Real Estate is one of the successful Real Estate Developers of Overland Park, KS. Our team has a proven track record of success in delivering projects to the highest standards of quality.

- Commercial Development
- Residential Development
- Overseas Projects

Indus Valley Development:
- IndusValley-Aproject by DF Real Estate LLC was approved in the Mayor and City Council Meeting dated April 1, 2024.
- IndusValley islocated at the vicinity of the southwest corner of 179th Street and US 69 Highway in Overland Park, KS.
Zoningapproved foran indefinite period for:
- SingleFamily Residential District.
- PlannedOffice Building District.
- Plannedmixofcommercial, office, multi-family and single family uses.
- HotelandEventCenter.

Blue Valley Square- 175th St & Pflumm Road Overland Park, KS
- 23-acrecommercial development
- 19futurebuildings catering towards:
- ConvenienceStores, Retail
- EarlyEducation
- MedicalOffice
- FoodServices

Spring Hill Travel Plaza
- SpringHill Travel Plaza is a Truck stop with multiple restaurants.
- Morethan200ParkingSpots(car &truck) with ADA Accessible
- 12000Sq.FtC-Store
- 20PumpsforCars
- 7PumpsforTrucks

Garden City Travel Plaza
- GardenCityTravel Plaza is a Truck Stop with C-Store and Restaurant.
- 14.6Acresland
- Morethan130ParkingSpots(Car & Truck) with ADA Accessible.
- 10000Sq.FtC-Store
- 20PumpsforCars
- 7PumpsforTrucks

Gardner Gas Station & C-Store
- Phillips 66 GasStation with C-Store and Fast-Food Restaurant.
- SeparateLiquor Store
- 20PumpsforCarsandBoxTrucks
- ConvenientLocation (I-35 S, Exit 210)